So this project was taking paint splatter and putting it into a piece. For some reason this project didn't agree with me. I haven't really enjoyed it. The first day I tried making my own picture to put splatter on, complete fail. So thinking we only had one day to do this I rushed and made this eye thing (to the right). The paint splatter is the tears, I don't like this picture though. It's poop.
Sooooo the next day I made a different one. Of my favorite youtube guy! Ray William Johnson! (to the left) I thought making his already big hair even bigger with paint splatter would be cool. But the pictures weren't exactly good quality.... so I don't think its very successful.
LAST AND BEST OF ALL! Today was our last day, so I made the picture to the right with two dancers. I like it better than the other ones at least, but it's still not very good overall because it has no concept really. Just like her dress coming out of paint or something.
I like the idea of the dress turning to paint splats, in fact, you might have eliminated her legs altogether.