Thursday, February 2, 2012

Colors!!! :D

So today I've been pretty sick, with a fever and everything, so I did today's project at home with my Photoshop Elements 10. Photoshop Elements is definatly different then the straight up photoshop, so I've had to adjust to a couple differences in the software. For example, there is no "blending options" when you right click the layer, so instead I changed the color layer to "screen" so it would fit the outline of the picture. It turned out pretty well and I had fun doing it, so I practiced it some more and ended up doing 3 of them.

I was pretty happy with this one on the right, but I wish that the colors looked a bit cooler than they do, if I did this one again I'd probably use a different color sceme.

I'm very happy with this one on the left, the yellow makes a sort of highlight and the colors blend well together, if I were to do it again I'd probably make a better transition between colors.

Overall I'm not too happy with this one because its more pixilated than the others and doesn't show the lines of the body very well, but I like most of the color scheme and it looks pretty cool.

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