Monday, February 27, 2012

Donnie Mullet

So my minister Donnie doesn't have any I gave him a mullet. This has nothing to do with my class in the slightest. I just had some free time. 

Stop Motion Animating
Soooooo we had to do stop motion animation. This was mine and my partner Joel's. We had to take a toy and move it little by little and take pictures to make a animation so its probably not the smoothest animating ever but its pretty cool. I even learned how to make lightening in photoshop and learned how to sorta use flash. I don't like flash though, and flash doesn't like me at all. It kept doing weird stuff and it was a pain in the butt. Enjoy the animating:

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Retouches Again
 We retouched this famous lady who was pretty beautiful before photoshop but looks even better after photoshop. I think it's pretty successful

Making Vanessa Marano Into a "Manga" Character

I don't actually think these look like Manga or Anime characters.....but it was still fun and easy to do. It was very simple, all you need to do is use liquify to make the lips thinner and the eyes bigger, and then if you want to color the hair just use the paint tool, change the setting to "color" and select the color you want to color with. And there you have it! A Manga character. The assignment was to make a famous person into a anime character, I chose Vanessa Marano from Switched At Birth (the TV show), I chose her cause I love her hair. 

Retouch Day 2

Sorry this a bit late to be posted because it was hard to get the eyelashes how I wanted. 
Unfortunately, they still aren't perfect. I think this is pretty successful, it makes her lot A LOT younger and less blemish-ey. I got rid of all her bumps and stuff then lightened her face (maybe a bit too much.......) and brought life to her eyes and lips. If I were to do it again I'd probably try to make her skin less bright.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Today we learned how to touch up pictures with photoshop. This is a very common use of photoshop where you take a picture and make it "perfect". As you can see, not only the skin is better, but the eyes have a brighter color, the lip is more full, her face doesn't have as much fat and she is "glowing". Magazines use this technique often as a way to sell products that will help you "obtain perfection" but looking like the picture on the right is pretty much impossible for the girl to accomplish, so many people have insecurities about themselves due to touch-ups. But you have to admit, she looks a lot better after photoshoped. 

I think this project was very successful.

Monday, February 13, 2012

So this project was taking paint splatter and putting it into a piece. For some reason this project didn't agree with me. I haven't really enjoyed it. The first day I tried making my own picture to put splatter on, complete fail. So thinking we only had one day to do this I rushed and made this eye thing (to the right). The paint splatter is the tears, I don't like this picture though. It's poop. 


Sooooo the next day I made a different one. Of my favorite youtube guy! Ray William Johnson! (to the left) I thought making his already big hair even bigger with paint splatter would be cool. But the pictures weren't exactly good quality.... so I don't think its very successful. 

LAST AND BEST OF ALL! Today was our last day, so I made the picture to the right with two dancers. I like it better than the other ones at least, but it's still not very good overall because it has no concept really. Just like her dress coming out of paint or something.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Long story short, we're doing color wheels in photoshop! Not your average color wheel, a RGB color wheel! So here is mine, it's a picture of my phone. Its very pretty isn't it? But it was a bit plain so Mr. Sands said I should do stuff to it, so I did stuff and made the many many different versions below.

Overall, I think the project is pretty successful.

Friday, February 3, 2012


So in my spare time I decided to put my newly found photoshop knowledge to use and made RAINBOWDASH! A colorful pony from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (shown below)

The first thing I had to do is get a picture of the cartoon, then a picture of a real-life pony and find a pair of wings that were about the right size and shape that I wanted. I chose swan wings and the very adorable pony (shown below) that my brother says looks like a dog. Then put them all in photoshop or photoshop elements

Next thing you have to do is make different layers, one with the wings, another with the pony. You use the eraser button to erase everything around the wings to make them look like they're on the horse. Then go to the picture of he cartoon and use your color grabber tool, it looks like a eye drop thingy or one of those things you use to take medicine with. Grab the color you want to color the horse with then go to the picture of your horse. Click on your paintbrush tool then change its setting to "color" go over the area with the paintbrush.

Keep doing this till all the colors you want are on the pony, then go to the layer with the wings and do the same thing.


If I were to do this again, I'd probably make the wings bigger, color the highlights a little more, small stuff. But I love the picture and it was ubber fun to make.


Today we had to make a planet using gradients, this one is mine and it is very very very colorful :D

I like the planet and the colors, but if I was going to do it again I'd probably make the background more space-like. Maybe give my lonely planet a moon or two.

It was a pretty easy thing to do, the only really hard thing is trying to get the colors right.


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Colors!!! :D

So today I've been pretty sick, with a fever and everything, so I did today's project at home with my Photoshop Elements 10. Photoshop Elements is definatly different then the straight up photoshop, so I've had to adjust to a couple differences in the software. For example, there is no "blending options" when you right click the layer, so instead I changed the color layer to "screen" so it would fit the outline of the picture. It turned out pretty well and I had fun doing it, so I practiced it some more and ended up doing 3 of them.

I was pretty happy with this one on the right, but I wish that the colors looked a bit cooler than they do, if I did this one again I'd probably use a different color sceme.

I'm very happy with this one on the left, the yellow makes a sort of highlight and the colors blend well together, if I were to do it again I'd probably make a better transition between colors.

Overall I'm not too happy with this one because its more pixilated than the others and doesn't show the lines of the body very well, but I like most of the color scheme and it looks pretty cool.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Newimals are our latest project, which is making two or more animals into a new animal! 

This is Pangle, a panther crossed with a eagle, I also increased the size of his ears. I think it's pretty successful, though I wish that the colors would have cooperated so I could make the wings lighter in color.

His name is Paul the Pangle
His favorite food is fish, mostly tuna from a can
He sleeps most of the day and flies most of the night
This look says: he's going to eat you in your sleep.

This is a LyChee, a Lynx, Cheetah, and Bee! I like the pattern of the cheetah's fur on the lynx, but I'm not crazy on how the bee wing turned out. If I were to do this again, I'd probably get a better picture of bee wings to put on him. 

Her name is Chi the LyChee
She likes eating flowers, honey, and small animals like mice
She cant fly very well (only a couple feet about the ground) because of her thin wings
She gets very scared of loud noises